Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 or Visual Studio Ultimate 2013, gives you the possibility to test the performance of your application. If you don't want to run tests in a CI you can use Jenkins.
What do you need?
1. Jenkins with MSTest Plugin installed is required. Don't forget to set the path to mstest.exe in Manage Jenking --> Global Tool Configuration:
2. Then, you have to create a new Jenkins job, set a Source Code Management (e.g. git, tfs, etc.).
Delete work-space before build starts.
3. Create batch command step that should
- restore nuget packages (if any)
- build the solution
..nuget location\nuget.exe restore "..performance project location\yourproject.sln"
..msbuild location\msbuild.exe "..performance project location\yourproject.sln " /p:Configuration=Debug
4. Create a Run unit tests with MSTest step that should contain:
- MSTest version defined in Global Tool Configuration
- performance/load tests + path
- result name to store .trx results
5. Add a post build step of type Publish MSTest test result report like in the image below (exclude this step for a load test, included only for performance tests):
6. Finally, attach as artifacts, all .webtestResult files (for performance tests) or .trx files for load tests.
Visualize test results
For a performance test, the test results should look like this
You can notice, failure results and all .webtestResult files attached as artifacts. If you have a failed test, e.g. in this example MAINPortfolioDuplicate, just click on MAINPortfolioDuplicate.webtestResult. Open this with Visual Studio and you'll see the cause of the error.
For a load test, open .trx artifact in Visual Studio to see test results display in Test Results window.
Once you'll click on a test result, you'll see details with graphs
and errors:
Happy testing and... make it green, becomes a dream :)