From Visual Studio
Open Visual Studio 2013 or 2015, connect to your project and click on Clone this repository. Enter the local path where you want to store the project and press Clone button.
To add new files/presentations/code, in the cloned
repository add them and then go to Team Explorer à
changes. Enter a comment and click Commit
and push. If you have untracked files add them to the project.
You can find more documentation about this topic on:
From Windows PowerShell
Open Windows Powershell. Go to the location
where you want to clone your project. Type command:
clone repository_url:
Add your new file with command git add filename. Commit your file with git
commit file name. Add to repository with your file with git push. To take files added by others
perform a git pull. More
documentation about this:
From GIT for Windows GUI
More about GIT version control you can find in this book: Version Control with Git: Powerful tools and techniques for collaborative software development
Happy testing and... make it green, becomes a dream :).