Friday, March 11, 2016

Clone your VSO git Repository locally


This article explains several ways to clone your git project locally.

From Visual Studio

To get starting you need to clone the repository to your local machine. To find the repository login with your Microsoft account, Click on Clone and observe Clone URL. That’s what you are looking for:

Open Visual Studio 2013 or 2015, connect to your project and click on Clone this repository. Enter the local path where you want to store the project and press Clone button.

To add new files/presentations/code, in the cloned repository add them and then go to Team Explorer à changes. Enter a comment and click Commit and push. If you have untracked files add them to the project.

You can find more documentation about this topic on:

From Windows PowerShell

Open Windows Powershell. Go to the location where you want to clone your project. Type command:

Git clone repository_url:

Add your new file with command git add filename. Commit your file with git commit file name. Add to repository with your file with git push. To take files added by others perform a git pull. More documentation about this:

From GIT for Windows GUI

1.       To do this install it from:

More about GIT version control you can find in this book: Version Control with Git: Powerful tools and techniques for collaborative software development.

Happy testing and... make it green, becomes a dream :).

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Build Triggers in Jenkins


This article explains how you can trigger your builds in Jenkins.

Build Triggers

Open any build configuration and search for Build Triggers group.

Check Build periodically. In this filed you can enter values in this format: * * * * * where

1* MINUTES Minutes in one hour (0-59)
2* HOURS Hours in one day (0-23)
3* DAYMONTH Day in a month (1-31)
4* MONTH Month in a year (1-12)
5* DAYWEEK Day of the week (0-7) where 0 and 7 are Sunday

0 8 * * * will trigger the build every day at 8 AM
0 8 * * 7 will trigger the build every Sunday at 8 AM

More about Jenkins Essentials you can find in this book: Jenkins Essentials

Enjoy the book!

Happy testing and... make it green, becomes a dream :).

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Deleting your Test Plans from TFS


This article explains how you can delete your test plans from versions >= TFS 2012 via Developer Command Prompt with witadmin.

Why like this?

Trying to delete the test plan from MTM or from TFS web UI is not possible.

So, In MTM2012/MTM2013/MTM2015, there is no direct way to delete a test plan. We need delete the corresponding work item using TFS command line options in command prompt in order to delete a test plan.

Developer Command Prompt

If you installed Visual Studio 2012/2013/2015 but you are not able to find the “developer command prompt” in your Windows 8/10 environment, the solution is simple. Go to folder: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\Shortcuts” (12.0 varies depending on the VS version).

Run witadmin command

Then, you need to run your command for deleting the test plan:

witadmin destroywi /collection:http://<your server name>:8080/tfs/<your collection name> /id:<the id o the test plan you want to delete>

More about TFS 2013 you can find in this book: 
Professional Team Foundation Server 2013 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)

Enjoy the book!

Happy testing and... make it green, becomes a dream :).

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