Friday, July 5, 2013

Iasi Testing Community

The Iasi Testing Community (ISTC) was born from the enthusiasm of some passioned software testing specialists from Iasi, Romania. Visit us on:


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Evaluarea activitatilor unui qa/software tester

This post is about qa/software tester evaluation

By what criteria we should evaluate the work of QA / Software tester? Do you have an evaluation system implemented at your company? Who should make this assessment: test leader, project manager, other testers / colleagues from development?
Here are some ideas that I thought about:
- The testing process followed correctly starting from the requirements until the test execution / evaluation / maintenance? (Assessment test leader)
  • Is the tester able to interpret a document: requirements / test design / use case or other information about the system?
  • Is the tester able to create a design test, select Test Oracles, define the expected result, to create automated tests?
  • Is he/she active in the requirements review sessions?
  • Is the tester able to execute tests manual / automatic interpret test results?
  • Does he/she know and use correct notions about version control / configuration management / testing Standards?
  • Is he/she able to document correctly, following templates in the company?
  • QMS procedures relating to knowledge test (it only if we have implemented ISO company)?
- Evaluation about Delays, how often are they, finishing early, etc. (assessment test is made by leader)
- Bugs:
  • Quality of reported bugs (this will require developers evaluation)
  • The number of bugs returned as duplicates, insufficient information (this evaluation will be done by the test leader)
  • The number of bugs being "not a bug" (assessment is made by the test leader)
  • The number of bugs reported by customers and undiscovered during testing (evaluated by project manager / test leader)
  • The number of defects discovered / closed / reopened
- Tehnical skills:
  • Does he/she getting programming / scripting skils (C #, VBScript, etc.)?
  • Does he/she knows UML?
  • Has minimum network concepts (necessary for daily work)?
  • Does he/she has database / sql skills?
  • Is he/she able to achieve performance tests?
  • He/she knows tools for automation testing like Selenium  / Test complete etc?
  • Does he/she know xml?
- Scope
  • Understand the application architecture?
- Professionalism
  • Oral communication - team evaluation / test leader / project manager
  • Informal written communication (with the team) - team evaluation
  • A formal written communication- test leader
  • Continuing education (what makes the tester to improve the testing process, desire to learn, etc.)?
  • Is he/she able to train other colleagues?
  • He/she proposes the creation of internal tools?
  • Certification requirement depending on experience, role, etc.
Waiting ideas / comments from you :)

Evaluarea activitatilor unui qa/software tester

Dupa ce criterii ar tb sa evaluam munca unui qa/software tester? Aveti un sistem de evaluare implementat la voi in firma? Cine trebuie sa faca aceasta evaluare: test leaderul, project managerul, alti testeri/colegi de la dezvoltare?

Iata citeva idei la care m-am gindit:
- Este procesul de testare urmat correct plecind de la cerinte pina la test execution/evaluare/maintenance? (evaluare test leader)
o Este testerul capabil sa interpreteze un document de cerinte/test design/use case sau alte informatii in legatura cu sistemul?
o Este testerul capabil sa creeze test designul, sa selecteze test oracles, sa defineasca rezultatul asteptat, sa creeze teste automate?
o Este activ in sedintele de review pe cerinte?
o Este testerul capabil sa execute teste manual/automate, sa interpreteze rezultatul testelor?
o Stie si foloseste correct notiunile de version control/configuration management/testing standards?
o Este capabil sa documenteze corect, urmind templateurile din cadrul firmei?
o Cunoaste procedurile qms referitoare la testare (asta doar in cazul in care avem un ISO implementat in firma)?
- Evaluare la delays, cit de dese sint, daca termina mai repede etc (evaluarea se face de catre test leader)
- Buguri:
o Calitatea bugurilor raportate (aici se va cere evaluare de la programatori)
o Numar de buguri returnate, ca si duplicate, informatii insuficiente (aici evaluarea se va face de catre test leader)
o Numar de buguri de tip “not a bug” (evaluarea se face de catre test leader)
o Numar de buguri raportate la client si nedescoperite de catre tester (evaluare facuta de catre project manager/test leader)
o Numar de defecte descoperite/inchise/redeschise
- Tehnical skills:
o Are notiuni de programare/scripting (C#,VBScript etc)?
o Are notiuni de uml?
o Are notiuni minime de retea (necesare pt munca zilnica)?
o Are notiuni de baza de date/sql?
o Este capabil sa realizeze teste de performanta?
o Stie sa utlizeze tooluri de testare automata Selenium/Test complete etc?
o Are notiuni de xml?
- Domeniu
o Intelege arhitectura aplicatiei?
- Profesionalism
o Comunicare orala – evaluare echipa/test leader/project manager
o Comunicare in scris informala (cu cei din echipa) – evaluare echipa
o Comunicare in scris formala – evaluare test leader
o Educatie continua (Ce face testerul ca sa imbunatateasca procesul de testare, dorinta de invatare etc)?
o Este capabil sa instruiasca alti colegi?
o A propus crearea de tooluri interne?
o Cerinta certificari in functie de experienta, rol etc

Astept idei/comentarii si de la voi:)

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